Abstract Aerial Paintings
Sculptural Drawings
Digital Landscapes
Tinaja Footprints
Formative Work
Land Arts
Abstract aerial landscapes:
oil on panel and gouache on paper, large paintings exploring landscape from maps and airplanes

Digital Landscapes Epson Digital Prints:
Imagery ranges from the television during the attacks on Iraq in 2002 to White Sands National Park in Southern New Mexico

Tinaja Footprints:
Gouache on paper paintings abstracting on the geologic process of tinajas - puddles which form in the sandstone boulders that comprise the tops of mesas in the Southwest
Websites which are artworks in and of themselves, and sites which detail and explore the ceramic traditions of Mata Ortiz, Chihuahua and in turn New Mexico
Land Arts of the American West:
Participation in Land Arts in 2003 spurred many new directions in my work and honed others

Sculptural Drawings:
Experimentations with matterial and physics

Formative Work:
Several bodies of work from studies at both Smith College and Cornish College of the Arts